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Ran was a female requian attending Boradian North high school, where she was a member of the cheerleading team. She became Gareth's girlfriend.

Gareth and Ran quietly schemed of galactic domination, with Ran dreaming of becoming galactic empress. Gareth did not share specific plans with Ran, and neither did Ran come up with or act on any, rather she believed Gareth would get her to where she wanted to be.

After becoming engaged with the princess Kyora, Gareth designated Ran and Javarn as his bodyguards.

Ran was later seduced and hired by Libbie Lullaby to work as her manager. During her employment, she discovered that she was secretly royalty of Alkoa, her mother having been impregnated by the planet's king. With this new information, she and Gareth traveled to Alkoa and revealed the information to her father. There, she and Gareth were secretly wed.

Before meeting Gareth, she was childhood friends and eventually in a relationship with Alber.