Pilypax Zarijox

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Pilypax Zarijox
Black Phillip.jpg

Black Phillip.

Position(s) Commander of Reaper Corps

Operative in Gulag

Affiliation(s) Tethro Corporation

Grethion Union
Reaper Corps

Realtionships Father: Unknown

Mother: Unknown

Species Praxu
Gender Male

Pilypax Zarijox, also known as "Black Phillip", was the Underking of Kosha Vron until he was challenged, defeated, captured and exiled, at which point he began working for the Tethro Corporation under the title of "Devil". At some point it seems he left Tethro and began to work as an operative for GULAG, commanding the fearsome Reaper Corps.

Physical Properties[edit | edit source]

Height: 3.5 m (11'5)
Weight: ~350 kg
Coloration: Black fur, Fiery Orange eyes
Markings\Tattoos\Idiosyncrasies: 4 horns, primal appearance and short snout.

Physical Appearance[edit | edit source]

Black Phillip stands tall at a towering 3.5 meters (11'5), he has thick pitch black fur, glowing orange eyes and four horns projecting out of his skull resembling a Jacob Sheep.

Physical Abilities[edit | edit source]

Fire Breath[edit | edit source]

Black Phillip is capable of breathing fire, the exact mechanism of this is unknown.

Exothermic[edit | edit source]

Black Phillip can generate tremendous heat and expel it from his body nearly instantaneously, allowing him to raise the temperatures of any room to unbearable levels.

Immune to energy weapons[edit | edit source]

It is not known exactly how, but energy bolts fired at Black Phillip seem to have no effect on him.

Extreme physical abilities[edit | edit source]

Black Phillip is a towering mass of muscles, he seems to be able to perform feats of strength, speed and agility surpassing what his body should allow.

Devil's Voice[edit | edit source]

Black Phillip can modulate his voice to become demonically echoing and commanding. Even the strongest of wills can falter and become terror-struck by this.

Immune to fire[edit | edit source]

Black Phillip does not get hurt by fire, however, his body is flammable, which he uses for theatrical effect as an intimidation method, or when facing opponents in melee.

Psychic Abilities[edit | edit source]

At this time it is unknown whether or not Black Phillip possessed any psychic powers.

History[edit | edit source]

Midnight Mu Universe[edit | edit source]

Emblem of Black Phillip

Black Phillip was the Underking of Kosha Vron for many ears, known far and wide as the best swordsman since the legendary King of Swords and undefeated in combat. It is known that at some point he was defeated by an unknown challenger. Black Phillip was able to survive the encounter, barely, but was apprehended by the authorities and exiled for life.

At some point, the Tethro Corporation scouted Phillip and recruited him to their organization under the fitting title of "Devil". However, it seems that some time after he joined, disagreements arose and he left the employ of Tethro unilaterally.

It is not completely clear what he's been doing since, only that the next time he appeared he was working for GULAG, leading their elite unit the Reaper Corps.

Upon encountering a Jorran unit attempting to thwart Grethion efforts, Black Phillip intercepted and attacked them. Bandit and Nahili were the only survivors of the initial attack, with Nahili burned to death by Phillip when attempting to shoot his unknown female companion. Black Phillip allowed Bandit to survive the encounter, recognizing him as a fellow Black Praxu and telling him to never be ashamed of who he is.

Bandit, consumed by guilt and rage at the death of his lover, eventually wiped out the Reaper Corps and decapitated Phillip, mounting his head as a trophy.