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Classification | Reptilian |
Homeworld | Iguala Primal |
Iguanos (singular Iguno) - (I. Trópico Sapien) - are a species native to Iguala Primal. They are reptilian in appearance, resembling humanoid Iguanas.
History[edit | edit source]
Evolution[edit | edit source]
The Iguanos are a distant cousin of the Salamandra. The Iguanos evolved on the lush tropical continents of Iguala Prime, with much land, much food and little in terms of natural predators. They thrived throughout most stages of their evolution, feeding on insects, fruits and smaller animals.
Rise of the Trópico Sapiens[edit | edit source]
Iguana were the undisputed rulers of their world in terms of population. Predators preferred larger prey than them and their ability to digest fruit, plants, insects and smaller animals meant they never had any shortage of food or breeding partners. However, their large numbers caused them to become target to a much smaller, but deadlier foes. Diseases, parasites and viruses spread throughout the Iguanos' ancestors like brushfire, killing large chunks of populations at a time. This forced the Iguanos' immune system to grow strong and adaptable, but also forced them to be able to recognize and avoid infected members of their species - thus the first forms of communication began, as methods to recognize avoid and eject any members who might be ill. From there, the road to building large tribal communities was short and the Iguanos as we know them today came to be.
The Spiritual Era[edit | edit source]
Iguanos as a species, as a result of the diseases and parasites they could not understand, grew into a very spiritual community, often led by witch doctors, or elders who interpreted the will of the gods, which was then enforced by the warriors of the tribes. This was given much credibility when the Salamandra were abducted by the Solstern, what surviving cultural artifacts seem to depict as the Gods sending the Salamandra to hell. (Though there is no indication that the Iguanos knew what the Salamandra looked like, as different primitive paintings show wildly different depictions of them).
In time, tribes became clans, clans became kingdoms and witch doctors and elders became priests and inquisitors. Ironically, their evolution revolving around avoiding the ill and the infected led to their religion being centered around finding and hunting servants of evil deities, who were the ones who brought these diseases. Lynch mobs and inquisitions became a very common thing in Iguanos society, witches, evil worshippers, sinners, all were a target to these religious fanatics and they were often used as a political tool to solve inconveniences for more influential figures. This defined the Iguanos society during the Spiritual Era.
First Contact[edit | edit source]
The Iguanos' first contact with any council species (other than witnessing Solstern ships in flight), was with the Grethions. The Grethions had by now successfully collected the Ivir and the Requians and were seeking a third species and planet to bring under their rule. Though the Iguanos did not seem very useful, their planet was lush and rich and could be used for many purposes. Deciding that a giant resort planet for the rich elite would allow them to collect information on the most powerful people in the galaxy and gain them many influental connections, the Grethions descended on the planet. Firstly, they used various genetic technologies to alter the Iguanos, making them more desirable in the eyes of the major council species, such as causing them to develop desirable attributes such as breasts, soft lips, separating their cloaca into more conservative humanoid sex organs and so on.
Within less than a decade, the Iguanos developed from a dark-age barely feudal society, to a post-warp society under the Grethions, long before they were ready for it. However as the Grethions moved to claim them as one of their subject species, the Council decided to investigate further, and their representatives found vast amounts of corruption, person trafficking, illegal drug manufacturing and many other violations against council laws. As such, the Council denied the Grethions, and various entities such as the Empyrean Alliance and the Bahleine even threatened military opposition should the Grethions continue trying to annex the species. The Grethions, unhappy at their lost investment, backed off and the Council enacted new laws against contacting pre-warp civilizations and illegalized mass genetic alteration of any species.
Post Grethion Era and rise of the Cartel[edit | edit source]
In the post Grethion Era, the Iguana have attempted to take control over their own people. But technology came with its own problems and many factions on Iguala Primal had armed themselves in an attempt to gain as much power as possible in the power vacuum left by the retreat of the Grethion. The council, having spent many resources trying to assist the Iguanos government, eventually abandoned the planet and left it to deal with its own problems. As drug production and person trafficking became the two most profitable exports of Iguala Primal, various organizations fought to rule the industry, with eventually one coming on top - The Parca Cartel. The Parca Cartel was the most ruthless of all criminal organizations, employing every dirty trick in the book to gain superiority, arms deals with the Goratons and Grethions, child soldier training camps, despicable acts of destruction and torture against its enemies and the list goes on. While the other cartels were not much better, their superstitious nature drew moral lines they were not willing to cross, this was not the case for The Parca. They crushed every enemy that wouldn't submit and allowed itself to be absorbed, whether on the planet or outside of it. Quickly fostering connections and distributors galaxy wide.
During the Golden Age of Piracy, the majority of the Cartel's distributors were small pirate clans, who could not compete with the larger clans in terms of raiding shipping lines, but were strong enough to deliver contraband to most of the galaxy. Following the end of the Golden Age of Piracy, the Parca Cartel was subjected to a coup, and evolved into The Hizznaym Cartel, which became a military power in its own right, rivaling the Syndicate in size and numbers and having its own fleet and cells of armed guerillas on almost every planet throughout the known Galaxy.
Biology[edit | edit source]
Habitat[edit | edit source]
The Iguanos live anywhere from continents to islands, inland or the coast, in mostly tropical areas. Being suited both to high and low precipitation, sunlight and heat, they are most comfortable in tropical environments between 20 °C and 30°C.
Biological Variation[edit | edit source]
The Iguana species has a some measure of diversity, ranging in colors from dull grays, browns and greens. Extremely rare white and pink iguanas exist as well, but they are extremely hard to find. Eye colors can range from black to yellow, green or blue.
Life Cycles[edit | edit source]
It is important to know that the physical development of the Salamandra is directly tied to the development of their brains and with the exception of a few rare conditions, a Salamander's life cycle is determined entirely by the development of their brain. The stages are as follows:
Egg[edit | edit source]
The Iguanos procreate sexually, with fertilization being internal. As Iguanos were sexually altered to resemble humanoid species sexually, eggs are formed within a "pseudo-womb" and travel through the vaginal canal to be laid.
Iguanos eggs may take up to 14 weeks to hatch, depending on environmental conditions and incubation.
Hatchling[edit | edit source]
Like other reptilian species, a hatched newborn is referred to as a "hatchling". Iguanos hatchlings are markedly different than Salamandra or Argolyte hatchlings, in that they hatch markedly less developed and are reliant on milk produced by their mothers, much like mammals. Though on the surface this may seem similar to Argolyte development, it is not so. Argolyte hatchlings hatch fully developed and independent, whereas Iguanos young are hatched helpless and will continue developing over time.
Infancy[edit | edit source]
Iguanos infancy is indistinguishable from mammalian humanoid species, particularly, it was modeled to be identical to that of Grethion youth.
Childhood[edit | edit source]
Iguanos childhood is indistinguishable from mammalian humanoid species, particularly, it was modeled to be identical to that of Grethion youth.
Iguanos children reach sexual maturity between the age of 13-15 years, after a period of rapid development of secondary sex attributes.
Adulthood[edit | edit source]
Once an Iguanos reaches sexual maturity, they are considered young adults and will remain as dependents of their families until around 18 years of age. However, they are allowed by law to work, own property, sign contracts and get married.
Iguanos will usually reach seniority around their 6th decade.
Seniority[edit | edit source]
Iguanos were altered to not externally age, meaning they will maintain a youthful appearance until they pass away, as such mental faculties, muscle mass and hormone levels are the most common ways to determine an individual's age.
Iguanos exit this stage upon passing away.
Behavior[edit | edit source]
Language[edit | edit source]
The Iguanos' language is a fusional language. The noun and adjective systems exhibit two genders and two numbers. In addition, articles and some pronouns and determiners have a neuter gender in their singular form. There are about fifty conjugated forms per verb, with 3 tenses: past, present, future; 2 aspects for past: perfective, imperfective; 4 moods: indicative, subjunctive, conditional, imperative; 3 persons: first, second, third; 2 numbers: singular, plural; 3 verboid forms: infinitive, gerund, and past participle. The indicative mood is the unmarked one, while the subjunctive mood expresses uncertainty or indetermination, and is commonly paired with the conditional, which is a mood used to express "would" (as in, "I would eat if I had food); the imperative is a mood to express a command, commonly a one word phrase -- "Talk!".
The Iguanos language syntax is considered right-branching, meaning that subordinate or modifying constituents tend to be placed after their head words. The language uses prepositions (rather than postpositions or inflection of nouns for case), and usually—though not always—places adjectives after nouns.
The language is classified as a subject–verb–object language; however, constituent order is highly variable and governed mainly by topicalization and focus rather than by syntax. It is a "pro-drop", or "null-subject" language—that is, it allows the deletion of subject pronouns when they are pragmatically unnecessary. The Iguanos language is described as a "verb-framed" language, meaning that the direction of motion is expressed in the verb while the mode of locomotion is expressed adverbially.
Subject/verb inversion is not required in questions, and thus the recognition of declarative or interrogative may depend entirely on intonation.
The Iguanos language is classified by its rhythm as a syllable-timed language: each syllable has approximately the same duration regardless of stress.
Intonation varies significantly according to dialect but generally conforms to a pattern of falling tone for declarative sentences and wh-questions (who, what, why, etc.) and rising tone for yes/no questions.
There are no syntactic markers to distinguish between questions and statements and thus, the recognition of declarative or interrogative depends entirely on intonation. Stress most often occurs on any of the last three syllables of a word, with some rare exceptions at the fourth-last or earlier syllables. The tendencies of stress assignment are as follows:
- In words that end with a vowel, stress most often falls on the penultimate syllable.
- In words that end with a consonant, stress most often falls on the last syllable.
- Preantepenultimate stress (stress on the fourth-to-last syllable) occurs rarely
Marriage and Procreation[edit | edit source]
As a species, the Iguanos are predominantly monogamous, but they have been known to actively seek out other romantic partners even while they are already engaged in a romantic relationship. Much of the culture of the Iguanos revolves around the idealization of romance in folklore, songs and gestures. Iguanos typically have 2-3 children on average, in urban environments, but in rural and more remote areas it is common to have 4-6 children (only children within marriage counted for this census).
Nomenclature[edit | edit source]
The Iguanos nomenclature is comprised of a first name given by the parents, a middle name given by the father's parents, a possible second middle name given by the mother's parents, and a surname, always the father's.
An Iguno will often introduce themselves with their full name first, then the name of their home village - e.g. Idrigo Valoroso Ilustre Hoban de Puerto Iguazú
Middle names given to Iguanos by their grandparents will usually have a descriptive meaning, as sort of a blessing the grandparents are bestowing upon their grandchildren such as - illustrious, valorous etc... This is a superstition dating back to Iguanos tribal society, where the middle name would be given by the tribal elder or witch doctor as a blessing from the Gods.
Honorifics[edit | edit source]
Sir | Don / D |
Lady | Doña / Dna |
Mr | Señor / Sr |
Mrs | Señora / Sra |
Ms | Señorita / Srta |
Doctor | Doctor/ Dr |
Dr. (female) | Doctora / Dra |
Professor | Profesor / Prof |
Professor (female) | Profesora / Profa |
Notable Iguanos[edit | edit source]
Don Hizznaym
Kallah Hizznaym
Idrigo Hoban