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Classification | Insectoid |
Homeworld | Moth Homeworld |
The Marioni (pronounced Marion-ay) or Lepido-Sapiens are a moth-like subject species of the Solstern Empire. They are insectoid resembling humanoid moths. They arrived into the Solstern region of space with the Solsterns, so their original domicile is unknown.
History[edit | edit source]
Evolution[edit | edit source]
The Marioni’s history and evolution are shrouded in mystery, all that is known is that they supposedly came from the same planet as the Solsterns and were carried in stasis until a suitable planet was found for them in Solstern Space.
On their planet, Marioni are vastly different than they are anywhere else. The Marioni live on a low gravity, warm, oxygen rich planet, which is inhabited by massive insects. In their true forms, they are four armed, have a thick exoskeleton and wings which they can use to fly. However, due to standard gravity being much higher than their planet, trying to go into space as is would be a death penalty for them, as they would be crushed by the weight of their own exoskeleton. As such they must undergo intense genetic treatments before being able to leave their planets, more so than any other species. To reduce the weight of their exoskeleton, their outer shell is thinned out, an entire pair of arms is removed, as well as the wings. To cope with the much cooler temperatures outside of their planet, the Marioni are covered with fuzz, which also serves as a sensory organ, detecting minute changes in the air along with their antennae. They also possess compound eyes and a pseudo-tongue, which is actually a vestigial proboscis. They instead possess omnivorous mandibles and are able to digest meat, fruits and vegetables.
The Solstern Enslavement[edit | edit source]
It is not clear exactly where the Solsterns came from as a species, but they brought the Marioni with them. The Marioni has been the species enslaved under them the longest and were the most well treated among the subject species. Only Marioni could serve on the home planet of the Solstern and in many cases, were also their personal guards.
In Service of the Innox[edit | edit source]
As it were, the Solsterns still did not consider the Marioni worthy of basic human rights and they were often the targets of abuse by their spidery overlords because of their proximity. This doubled in volume as Innox made themselves ever more invaluable to the Solsterns. By the time D’sparil started rallying up the subject species, the Marioni were still not convinced, however, as they were certain the Innox would win, as they had the support of all of the other subject races, and not wanting to continue serving as slaves, they joined the coup.
Though they have lost much of their status to the Salamandra with the regime change, the Marioni were mostly left to determine their own fates within the confines of the Empire, which they have done exceedingly well. Free from the totalitarian tyranny of the Solsterns, the Marioni grew significantly as a society, becoming a Meritocracy dedicated to preserving and improving their own society as well as the Solstern Empire as a whole. They often serve as diplomats, mid-level officers and representatives for the Innox.
Biology[edit | edit source]
Habitat[edit | edit source]
The Marioni live in dense massive forests and jungles, in a variety of climates. They are most comfortable away from direct sunlight, but in warm environments between 30 °C and 35 °C. In their space faring form they can be comfortable as far as 15 °C and 40 °C and can survive the same temperatures as the Innox can.
Biological Variation[edit | edit source]
The Marioni as a species are incredibly diverse, with colors ranging within and beyond visible spectrum, many different common color patterns exist, with some of the more famous ones being the “Monarch” vibrant coloration and the “Deathshead” pattern of black fuzz and skull on the back.
Life Cycles[edit | edit source]
Egg[edit | edit source]
The Marioni engage in intercourse much like one would expect, with penetration of the female sex organ by the male sex organ. Fertilization occurs usually days, sometimes weeks after. A female Marioni’s sex organ is coated on the inside with follicles designed to trap and sustain as many sperm cells as possible. When the female undergoes her cycle, she lays eggs that get inseminated as they pass and brush against these follicles, as such Marioni can have upwards of a dozen fertile eggs per cycle. Usually, a couple interested in having children take the eggs to a nearby genetic center for testing and only keep the most viable of the bunch.
Larva[edit | edit source]
From these fertile eggs, larva hatch. The larva form of the Marioni have six legs (even in their space faring form) and no exoskeleton, but they are, however still covered in fuzz. The larva are capable of producing silk, which is often gathered by their parents to create their “birthday suits”, which are given to them upon reaching adulthood. They will weave a cocoon for themselves within up to 3 years. During this time they will bloat themselves on food and grow very large and produce a “nest” made out of nutrients which they will later seal in their cocoon.
Cocoon[edit | edit source]
Once the Marioni Larva weaves their cocoon they incubate within it for up to 3 years, consuming all of the nutrients they’ve gathered within it and morph into their adult forms.
Adulthood[edit | edit source]
Once a Marioni emerges from a cocoon, they are adults, they will no longer grow physically. In this stage of development, Marioni will instinctively know non-verbal communication, be able to read social cues and will be quick to learn their native language. Education only commences from this point, meaning all Marioni schools are filled with adult students. It is important to know that despite the apparent lack of connection between Marioni and their parents in their Cocoon stage, the Marioni are known to be one of the more empathic species in the galaxy and seem to be able to pick up social cues even from species with vastly different communication than their own.
Marioni do not grow old, they pass away naturally by simply going to sleep and not waking up, usually within 40-50 years after they emerge from their cocoons.
Behavior[edit | edit source]
Language[edit | edit source]
Marioni language is based on social cues and non-verbal communication for the most part, however, they do have their own language which is basically a more simple dialect of the original Solstern language. As it is comprised of insectoid clicks, chirps and chemical trails, it is not possible to describe it by normal means.
Nomenclature[edit | edit source]
Marioni have no Nomenclature, their names are usually constructed from their own non-verbal language, and sometimes pronounced with chirps and clicks. As such, they tend to either sound completely random and untranslatable, or otherwise they may translate the meaning of the name instead. They also do not use honorifics in their own language, so the galactic standard honorifics are used for them instead.