Ora Prime

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Ora Prime is the capital planet of the Oran Republic and the homeworld of the Mahoran.

From Ravage's visit to Ora Prime:[edit | edit source]

Ravage looked around at the city, there was an obvious dominant Bauhaus style of architecture all over - form followed function, but in an aesthetically pleasing way. This gave most of the buildings a very squarish appearance, every square foot was utilized in the finest, large windows were an essential part of this style, but unlike the big cities on Jorra, they were not overwhelming, but rather flowing with the mostly clean and white looking architecture. The sky around them was deep indigo, even during the day, but not dark, a result of the thick levels of humidity in the atmosphere.

In essence, Ora was a tropical jungle paradise in the past, but its nature was slowly and methodically subdued by the Mahorans, brought into form, much like a mason cuts stone. Massive wild jungles became groomed parks, wild reeds and weeds became manicured gardens and lawns, with a dominant layer of Phalt and Crete, of the most modern iteration.

Now entering a period of green post-modernism, dirt, grime, pollution and neglect were against the popular trend and as such, obviously in the focus of the government. Not as a wide scale operation to create an ecological revolution, heavens forbid, no but instead, all imperfections were done away with in an almost obssessive fashion; Cracks, mold, graffiti, they were nowhere in sight. Every sidewalk and crossing was freshly repainted, every lamp post recently replaced, flowers recently replanted.

Mahorans used by majority Jorran vehicles, meant for function and endurance, but it wasn' uncommon to see a Moxu vehicle, or even a Grethion. Mahorans of course, had their own manufacturers, but importing vehicles was made cheaper due to trade agreements expertly handled by the crafty Mahorans, so much so that it was cheaper to get imported than local.

Likewise, the people around them were all walking with purpose, tight, functional schedules meant no time for lollygaging. Crowds of people moved towards large industrial parks en masse while others spent their day jogging or biking, wearing the latest sporting attire. Idlers and loiterers were practically non existent and multitasking while walking was a common site. Phone calls, emails, even video chats. It was a rat race, but for frogs. Hopping in and out of meetings, using their silver tongues to catch another juicy fly of a deal.