Oran Expansionary Force
The Oran Expansionary Force is the branch in the Oran Armed Forces in charge of offensive military capabilities.
History[edit | edit source]
The Oran Expansionary Force is the oldest branch in the Oran Armed Forces, predating the Oran Republican Guard as a pre-unification military combine in charge of expanding Mahoran territory and colonizing suitable planets.
When the Orans (post unification) first made contact with the Galactic Council and their borders became recognized, colonization was separated from the military and the role of the Expansionary Force changed considerably. It was no longer in charge of securing planets for colonization, but rather to defend Oran interests outside of their own territory. Among other things the patrolling, clearing and securing of trade roads and hubs, the defense of Oran fleets and the response to armed threats.
Despite this major change in its role, however, the Expansionary Force kept its original name due to its historical significance as the first step towards the Mahoran Unification.