Oran Special Operations
The Oran Special Operations Branch of the Oran Armed Forces is in charge of training special operations units for activity within and outside of Oran Republic space.
It is the responsibility of this branch to train units for special operations, both planetary and extraplanetary.
Though it is not as widely known as other special forces in the Galaxy, it maintains an flawless reputation as one of the most efficient of its kind.
Units[edit | edit source]
Dynamic Assault & Reconnaissance Team (D.A.R.T)[edit | edit source]
The Dynamic Assault & Reconnaissance Team is the Oran Republic's most elite task force. The DART specialists are trained to be effective in any kind of environment with any kind of equipment. Among special forces, they are renowned for their creative and non-conventional methods of infiltrating their target zones from unexpected directions and in unexpected ways, and for their ability to stay undetected.
DART consistently ranks among the top 5 Special Forces Units according to the Jorran "Spec-Tops" Magazine, the premiere authority on Special Forces. Among the Council Security Office, they are ranked as a Class 3 (highest) threat rating.