Pirate Clans

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The Rock Biters[edit | edit source]

Operate on the Outer Rim, harassing mostly Carthagians and mineral traders, the Rock Biters are well known for their systemic attacks against the Carthagian Guilds and anyone trading with it. So much so that they caused the great drift between the Council and the Carthagians, after the Council failed to provide sufficient protection to Carthagians mining for it. This in turn, led to Tethro being able to sign a deal which made them the exclusive recepient of around 70% of the Carthagian mining efforts.


A golden skull with a gem in each eye and another one held in its teeth.

Fortress :

The Planet Cracker - This Star Fortress was actually a former Asteroid mining station, equipped with extra strength hull and shields to withstand heavy asteroid collisions, this Fortress is one of the most hardy used by the great pirate clans.

Leader: Bolo "Circus" Golan, a former Jord strongman and wrestling champion turned pirate to support an addiction to prostitutes and alcohol. Circus is a very pleasant and welcoming man, but he has literally no fuse and the wrong word, even among friends can drive him to violent rage.

The Warp Riders[edit | edit source]

Located mostly in the 2nd and 3rd rings, the Warp Riders specialize in speed assaults. Their M.O. is to warp in, send in a unit of commandos take over their target ships and warp out to a safe location, where reinforcements will proceed to board and clear the ships. Since they use specialized commandos, they do not use boarding drills, but rather boarding craft that latch on to the emergency latches on the bridge and force it open. The reason this is not used today is that it causes the door to seal up once the boarding craft disengages, making it unusable (and a costly repair).

Insignia: A surfing Requian with silver hide in warp.




The Silver Surfer, this prototype was stolen en route to a Grethion research station, it's specialty lies in the speed it can enter and leave warp, being capable of warping again immediately after finishing a warp jump.


Bodhi "The Surfing Guru", a Lochirine addicted to the fast and easy life, he is despised by his own people and has found his calling in extreme sports and adrenaline. Known for performing insane stunts and getting arrested frequently for them, Bodhi eventually decided to find the ultimate adrenaline rush in piracy. He is always the pointman of his commando squad and has no fear in him.

Killer Queens[edit | edit source]

Despite their name, the Killer Queens are some of the most chauvenistic, sexist pirates in the galaxy. They deal almost solely in human trafficking and are spread all over the galaxy. They have close ties with the Syndicate and the Cartel and at their peak they were said to have monopolized human trafficking galaxy wide. To this day Telvetics shudder at the mere mention of their name.


Red, bloody Queen chess piece over a white background.


The Red Queen - This Fortress was once a small space port in the 3rd Ring, used by many to store illegal goods outside of the reach of Council Law. It has been heavily modifed by the queen to become a heavily armed space-faring brothel. The advanced security measures of the spaceport ensure that no one steps out of line on their fort, with automatic turrets and airlocks happy to destroy anyone who threatens thier operation.


Sarsur, a Requian lecher of the worst kind, has been convicted and sentenced to death for various heinous crimes in Grethion Space, including the kidnapping of a Governor's wife and daughter (whom he later sole to the highest bidder). Sarsur is an uncontrollable lecher and mysoginist, he refuses to see women as equals and those who wish to join are usually very quickly forced into prostitution themselves.

The Sumaso[edit | edit source]

This clan operates on a tribal culture of warriors. They don't care about wealth, or women, or treasure, only about fighting an fulfilling their blood lust. They mostly raid in set locations, space ports and cargo convoys, only ever picking the ones that are well guarded.


An Ungolian tribal symbol of three spears in a triangle pointing outwards.




Blue Streak, a decomissioned Mandalai battleship to which they added several artillery batteries. Though it has a minimal storage capacity, it packs a really big punch and the Sumaso don't haul around more then the necessary amount of goods anyway.

Leader: Nuvogo, an Ungolian warrior prodigy. Smarter than most Ungolians, Nuvogo was very capable in bringing people in for his cause, considering his followers are mostly made of psychopaths and former death row convicts.

Dolemite's Dynamites and The Black Heeled Boots[edit | edit source]

These two small pirate clans joined together for hope of greater power, they are very versatile and operate in close cooperation, they are the only Pirate Clan to have two fortresses and insignias.


Black Dynamite over a white background

White outlines of boots over a black background.


Lowrider - a small solstern space station converted into a war machine by Dolemite and his gang, being overly packed with turrets and guns is a great deterrence for anyone trying to attack his fortress.

The Shoe - A small military outpost formerly floating along the orbit of a gas giant, it was stolen by Boots and her people, who were able to convert the particle accelerator used to mine the gas core into a powerful weapon.


Dolemite, a black moth and former gang member on the Moth underworld, decided to go big time in space with his crew and stole a small space station from a Solstern Shipyard. He's known for having good connections with the Cartel, his gang having worked for them in the past and is very careless when it comes to collateral damage.

"Boots", an iguana female known for her promiscuity and sexual prowess first, but in actuality, not many of the men she seduces last the night. A former Cartel girl forced into prostitution as a child, she developed a taste for murdering men during intercourse.

The Masked Devils[edit | edit source]

Anarchists whose sole purpose is to spread chaos. Even among their own ranks there is very little order, with the strong ruling over the weak. Their piracy model was used for post Knave pirate models for years until the Cosmic Shadows came along. With a captain that is more or less unconcerned with his men, only with plundering. Cliques run by officer, each of them eager to go up against each other even while on their own ships. They have been doing nothing but spreading chaos and did anything from crashing high society parties to daylight robberies of major banks, just to spread the money in some of the most dangerous slums in the galaxy.


Stylized blue demonic mask.


The Vendetta, this is an actual prototype of a spacefaring military fortress created by the mandalai and stolen by The Devils. The most advanced Pirate Fortress of the era.


Blue Beard, a former Mandalai Admiral disillusioned with the Mandalai belief, Blue beard dedicated himself to the exact opposite of the Mandalai path, spreading chaos where order should be and going against the Mandalai way wherever possible.