Qanus is a superhabitable planet in the Ivuprio solar system and the home world of the Ivir. It holds the greatest planetary food product export industry in the galaxy. Qanus is the second planet in its solar system and has two moons - Ki’ir and Mavir.
Etymology[edit | edit source]
The name Qanus derives from the ancient Ivir name for the God of the land, Qanus, the second child of Ivuprio, god of the Sun.
It is important to know that when referring to themselves as a group or species, Ivir use a feminine form (Ivir, Qanir, Kizir, etc).
History[edit | edit source]
Early History[edit | edit source]
Early Ivirs lived in packs of hunters and were very territorial, this behavior has been seen in all different climates across Qanus. Ivirs would find an appropriate location, either high ground (in deserts, mountains and otherwise areas lacking in significant tree growth such as barren coastal areas), a forest, a jungle for themselves and get intimately bonded with it.
The wood dwelling early Ivirs (referred to as Woodland Ivirs) would expand their territory by having their offspring plant new trees at the edges of their domains as a rite of passage, thus the size of their domains would increase in direct correlation to their own population.
The non wood dwelling early Ivirs (referred to as Highland Ivirs) however, when out of territory to expand into, would often send their youths into the world to claim a new territory as a rite of passage, which meant at times they would clash with other groups of youngsters over territory.
The earliest written record of this is found in illustrations etched in fossilized bark found in the Acerub region. It is no doubt that these migrations caused further evolution within the Ivir in the suspected 130,000 years since they have come to walk the surface of Qanus, evolving into the established subtypes we know today.
Middle Ages[edit | edit source]
Ivirs had no early empires or conquests to speak of, due to the size of the prey animals on their planet, livestock and husbandry was incredibly difficult and required far too many resources to maintain. As such, meat became a valuable commodity and the chief trading resource of Ivir society. A pound of flesh was used as the standard measurement of payment and would be widely acceptable everywhere on the planet (and still is to this day).
Eventually, as the Ivir population increased and migration and expansion were no longer feasible, a necessity to trade drove the Ivirs to technological advancement. Hunting and fishing tools, preservatives (in particular salt and brine), medicine, metal products (and with them of course, jewelry, precious metals and precious stones). Woodland Ivirs, with their rich supplies of meat would often trade with Highland Ivirs with their rich supply of metals, minerals, fish and preservatives.
Industrial Age and Uplifting[edit | edit source]
In this way, many of the Ivir tribes became “nations” of trade, however none would ever rise to become a large power, as the industrial age would begin and abruptly and promptly end as the Grethions descended on the planet and uplifted the Ivirs, less than a decade into their forming industrial society.
The uplifting of Ivir society was very short and subdued, meeting little resistance (according to the Grethion Union).
Geography[edit | edit source]
Qanus is designated as a superhabitable planet - meaning it has a dense atmosphere, a large mass, shallow oceans and comfortable temperatures.
The planet’s surface consists of one super continent (Qanir) and two regular continents (Myir and Kizus), and 70% of its mass is covered by water, with generally shallow oceans lacking deep basins.
The vast majority of land, in both Qanir and the continents Myir and Kizus is covered in lush forests, or jungles. Tropical temperatures are maintained on most of the planet, with very small belts of temperate and colder climates near the arctic poles and the higher regions of mountain ranges.
There are several deserts across the surface of Qanir, Myir and Kizus, with the largest spanning at 9,800,000 square units.
The planetary capital is Qaniris, located at the mouth of the river Iknis and the Berraic ocean on the supercontinent of Qanir.
Geology and Geomorphology[edit | edit source]
Climate[edit | edit source]
The Climate distribution of the planet is:
- Tropical (87%)
- Temperate (6%)
- Desert (3%)
- Arctic (2%)
The average temperature on the planet is a comfortable 25-26 Standard Degrees year round, with a normally rainy weather. In fringe areas such as deserts and mountains temperatures may rise during the day and fall during the night, but will still remain within comfortable parameters for most life forms. In the temperate circles, temperatures may drop below zero on occasion. In the small arctic circle, temperatures are below zero year round.
Flora and Fauna[edit | edit source]
Due to high oxygen rates in the atmosphere, as well as the lush plentiful resources, most prey animals on Qanus have evolved to very large sizes. As such, prey animals were not domesticated until the Ivir were uplifted by the Grethions.
However, predatory animals (in particular, tree climbing felids and birds of prey) have been domesticated very early in history and comprise the majority of household and work animals used by the Ivir.
There is a wide variety of animal and plant life on the resource rich planet, and a very populated ocean, but it is important to note that most wildlife, like the Ivirs themselves have a mutant gene causing Erythrism, making most animals have a red coloration.
In regards to plants, as with animal life, they too in general are red in coloration. Qanus is well known for its giant redwood forests, trees large enough that highways have been built through them. In many areas, particularly those maintaining a cultural theme, buildings are built of wood and on the tree tops.
In addition to the redwood trees, the more remote tropical areas of Qanus are well known for their carnivores plants, large powerful vines, and variety of flowers in complex shapes and forms.
Demographics[edit | edit source]
The population of Qanus is approximately 13 billion individuals, with Qanir having 8.5 Billion individuals, Myir having 2.5 Billion and Kizus 2 Billion.
The population is consisted of the various subtype in the following spread -
Continental Ivir (Red Ivir) - 68%
- Maned Ivir (including the white maned subtype) - 10%
- Kizir (Desert Ivir) - 8%
- Striped Ivir - 6%
- Arctic Ivir - 2%
- Other (including non Ivirs) - 6%
Religion[edit | edit source]
Ivir society has no modern religion, nor any global spanning religion of any type. As such they do not keep track of religion or faith by residents.
Early Ivirs did have various pantheon ranging by tribes, but the largest most well known one was the pantheon of Gods from the Qanir woodland Ivirs, which is still a major part of Ivir culture.
Ivuprio - (ungendered) God of Creation and the Sun. Morag - (Ungendered) First child of Ivuprio, God of fire, rage and chaos. (After which the first planet in the solar system was named) Qanus - (Male) God of the land and second son of Ivuprio Mavir - The great moon goddess, daughter of Ivuprio. Ki’ir - The lesser moon goddess, sister of Mavir. Qanir - (Female) Daughter of Qanus and goddess of nature and fertility. Myir - (Female) Sister of Qanus, daughter of Ivuprio and Mavir, goddess of mountains and steppes. Kizus - (Male) The son of Ki’ir and Qanus, god of the desert and the coast. Berraus - (Male) Third child of Ivuprio, The God of the Oceans. (After which the third planet in the solar system was named).
Of note is the Mythos of the Trickster, which was a common folk tale that spanned the globe even during the time of the early Ivirs.
In the Mythos, the Trickster was a jet-black Ivir who was the master of hunting and survival. It is said that he was so adept that he was able to walk across the back of a (versions vary, mostly a very dangerous predator) without being noticed by the creature. It is said that he was cast out by his fellow Ivirs who were jealous of him and distrusted him. So he proceeded to steal every animal for miles around, demanding they let him back in, in exchange for the precious meat. The leader of the village said that he would only let him back in if he could steal the seven brightest stars in the sky, but if he could not, he had to return the animals and give up their meat.
The cunning Trickster stole all of the star charts from the wisest of the, and claimed he had stolen the stars themselves and when the villagers would look up that night they would be gone and so it was that the two moons blocked the stars from view and he was welcomed into his village. His exploits continued until such a time that he tricked the stars into making him one of them and he now resides in the constellation that he once "stole" as the 8th star.
The Trickster embodied what the Ivirs appreciate most, cunning, wit, practicality and knowledge, however, it is to note that he shared freely of all he had with his people and his tricks have always been harmless. In modern times this mythos has been maintained and altered with Grethion encouragement to encourage correct behavior in Ivir young, but by majority is considered superstition by adults.
Politics and Government[edit | edit source]
The head of state on Qanus is the planetary Governor, who oversees the Qanir parliament. The governor is elected separately and is not allowed to be affiliated with any form of political party on Qanus (though by Grethion law, all parties and politicians are members of the Unionist party).
The Qanir parliament consists of two main segments, the House Adir and the House Kabir.
The House Adir is the lower house of parliament and has 230 members representing the 230 “Tribes” of Qanus (that is to say the former Ivir nations, which now remain as recognized regions).
The house Kabir is the higher house of parliament and has 90 members representing the continents - 40 for Qanir and 25 each for Myir and Kizus, no more than one from each tribe.
Often, the interests of the tribes conflict with the interests of the continent, as such the two houses were created to make sure the interests of the majority will be maintained.
Elections are held together for both houses, with citizens being required to vote for two different representatives that best serve the interest of the tribe for House Adir, and those that best serve the interests of the continent for House Kabir.
Law and Criminal Justice[edit | edit source]
There are several law systems in place on Qanus, the main one is the planetary laws, or constitutional laws. These are global and cannot be superceded by any tribe or continent, the enforcement of these laws is entrusted to QBE (Qanir Bureau of Enforcement) (or “Qube”).
Each “Tribe” has limited self governance, with specific laws within it which are enforced by the regional (or Tribal) Police.
Courts of law within Qanus have several tiers, starting from Municipal Court (for a settlement), Tribal Court (for a region), Continental Court (for a continent) and finally the Supreme Court of Qanus.
Healthcare[edit | edit source]
Healthcare on Qanus is cemented in both Qanir and Grethion Law. All employed citizens are automatically eligible to full subsidised healthcare, unless their injuries result from criminal behavior they committed.
Unemployed citizens have a 2 month grace period after their last employment in which they are still eligible for subsidised healthcare, after which, if they have not found new employment, they will no longer be eligible for subsidies.
Retired Citizens who have been employed for no less than 50% of their adult life (with special committees for extreme cases) are eligible for subsidised healthcare for life.
Disabled Citizens who are unable to work must go through a medical and occupational committee for a decision to be made about their subsidies.
Children to employed parents are eligible for subsidised healthcare.
Economy[edit | edit source]
The Ivir economy is based on agriculture, horticulture, forestry, meat and animal products and otherwise the production of food.
Qanus is the largest exporter of food related products in the galaxy.
Military[edit | edit source]
Qanus does not possess a military of its own. On Qanus there are planetary regiments and satellites of the Grethion Union’s People’s Defense Forces. As in all other planets in the union, a percentage of the population of young adults reaching legal age is conscripted into service for a tour of 3-5 years depending on vocation.
Education[edit | edit source]
All children ages 3-18 on Qanus receive free and mandatory education by Union Law, to stand with standards and curriculums decided by the Union Office of Education.
Upon reaching age 14, children of Qanus are separated into vocational schools and academic schools based on an aggregation of the results of aptitude tests and their grades and learning inclinations from their previous years of school.
Culture[edit | edit source]
Qanir culture revolves around agriculture and hunting, as such year round there are many festivals to celebrate them. As well as various holidays, such as Union Day, which celebrates the Ivir uplifting by the Grethions.
Music also serves an important part in Ivir culture, in particular string and wind instruments such as panflutes, lutes and harps.
Media[edit | edit source]
Like all Grethion Union members, all media produced and shown on Qanus is regulated and censored by the Grethion Office of Communications.
Sport[edit | edit source]
Woodland Games[edit | edit source]
Qanus is notable for hosting the Woodland Games, which are held twice a year. This sporting event consists of several events:
- Arboreal Athlon, a tree top endurance race for 50 Du
- Spear toss, where a spear is tossed vertically, as high as possible.
- Stone throw, where a heavy stone is thrown for distance.
- Climbing race where two individuals must climb up a tall tree as quickly as possible.
- Flesh Tug, where two individuals on all four hold a long rib full of flesh with nothing but their mouth and pull.
Boxing and Martial Arts[edit | edit source]
Qanus is well known for having a wide following for Boxing (even producing multiple galactic champions), as well as other martial arts, in particular close contact and grappling arts. Qanus has regional and global teams in such sports and viewership of events relating to them is typically very high.
Speed Climbing, Hunting and Fishing[edit | edit source]
As natural climbers, hunters and fishermen naturally competitive climbing, hunting and fishing competitions take place annually in all regions and globally. Viewership and participation of these events by Ivir of all ages is an important part of the Ivir culture.
Infrastructure[edit | edit source]
Architecture[edit | edit source]
The architecture prevalent worldwide on Qanus follows the Organic school of architecture, efficiently co-existing and rarely disturbing the natural world. Woodland villages are often built on tree top platforms and require climbing, elevating, or otherwise airborne transportation.
Energy[edit | edit source]
Qanus is among the only planets in the Galaxy that use only renewable energy, in particular, solar, wind, and hydro-electric energy.
Transport[edit | edit source]
Air[edit | edit source]
Qanus has an airport in each territory, allowing for smooth and easy air travel between regions and continents. There is one global airline operating throughout the planet, Qanir Air Services.
Rail[edit | edit source]
On land, Qanus has an over-ground rail system connecting different regions run by a global rail line, Qanir Rail Services.
Road[edit | edit source]
The motorways on Qanus are managed by the global Qanir Road Services. All vehicles on Qanus are held to the highest pollution standards and use reusable energy only.
Water[edit | edit source]
There are a wide variety of shipping and ferrying services available on Qanus, both in the rivers and oceans, all operated by the global company the Qanus Ship Services.