Razorback Corporation

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The Razorback Corporation is one of the three major corporations of the Imperium.

The Razorback's primary vision is to elevate and incorporate non-Haldek individuals and societies within the Imperium. The corporation sources its employees from the fringes of the Imperium where there is virtually no haldek population. As such, the real estate and labor are generally far cheaper and much more loyal, lacking competitive hiring conditions.

The Razorback's civilian sector specializes in research and manufacture of primarily non-Haldek goods, medicine and construction, dominating the non-Haldek market in the Imperium. That market, despite being a larger share of population has a lower market share than the Haldek market. However, due to the cheaper real estate and labor, as well as funding and donations due to the morally positive vision of the company, keeps the corporation on par with both Maxicorp and Aerotech.

The Razorback's military division, known as the "Warbeasts" was founded as a primarily non-Haldek military force, with an overwhelming majority of it being consisted by non-Haldek. They field their own military grade power armor suits specially created for non-Haldek, with a flexible squad-based structure that allows for battlefield adaptability above all.

Traditionally Warbeast squads are named after animals, with the helmets of the squad representing the said animal. As such, a member of Rhino squad's helmet would resemble that of a rhino.

The Warbeasts are led by the Razorback Squad, a squad of veteran, highly trained leaders who fight on the front lines. Besides being exceptional military leaders, the Razorback Squad are also exceptional warriors and are equipped with the latest advances in military technology.

The current leader of Razorback Squad is Obsidian Razor.