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The Rezar are a raptor-like race from Galaxy 2

Homeworld[edit | edit source]

The Rezar have 2 home worlds with near identical living conditions, Keplar Prime and Fortuna IV. Both of these planets have near identical living conditions, flora and fauna, yet somehow, they exist in two very far away systems. There is no current explanation to this phenomenon, other than perhaps colonization, but there exist no historical or archaeological evidence of this anywhere on either planet or in any records. Some Rezar claim that they are the descendants of an ancient space-faring species, particularly, the one who created the Thrakk and as an effort to avoid extinction by their creation have sent out gene pods to habitable planets to repopulate. The Imperium has no official stance on this speculation but most scientists dismiss it as nothing more than a modern myth.

Both Keplar Prime and Fortuna IV are lush, oxygen rich, grassland worlds. The majority of the planets is covered by rich grassland. Instead of water pooling on the surface of the planet as is common in habitable planets, all of the water on both of them exists in natural aqueducts beneath the surface, a network of veins and tunnels going through the entire planet in almost perfectly equal distribution. This resulted in a planet almost completely covered in grassy plains and with no significant bodies of water. The majority of fauna on the planets are flight animals and they are used all over the galaxy for creature races.

Physiology[edit | edit source]

The Rezar evolved from a Velociraptor like animal, however these creatures are actually placental mammals, they are warm blooded, they birth live young and they nurse their infants. These predators were bipedal and very quick and intelligent, with their powerful legs they could leap great distances while running and catch even the fastest prey. Their claws downing even large prey with ease. The Rezar are bipedal and walk fully erect and have become almost completely humanoid in the course of their evolution, save for the shape of their head, their mostly carnivorous diet, and other features. They possess powerful claws, though far less deadly than their ancestors and have four fingered hands, 3 fingers and a thumb. Depending on what planet they're from, Rezar scales vary from greens and olives to bright brown and purple with spots and stripes in varying colors. They are renowned for their superior athletic abilities and agility.

Society[edit | edit source]

Rezar society differs greatly between Fortuna IV and Keplar Prime; the Rezar from Fortuna IV are Imperium indocrinated and their mannerisms are second only to those of the Haldek themselves. They are strictly loyal to the Imperium and often well off Haldek adopt Rezar orphans as their own.

The Rezar from Keplar Prime however are staunch individualists and are the founding members and strongest force in the Sephrus Militias. As a rule, they declare the Imperium tyrannical and believe the Imperium had stolen Fortuna IV from them when they annexed it. Their society is highly physically competitive, it is very common for any organization to have some sort of sports team, gymnasiums are government funded, there is a great emphasis on physical education in the education curriculum, including higher education and generally Keplar Prime Rezar prefer to solve disputes through athletic superiority rather than violence.

Every year the Rezar have an event called the Hundred Day Marathon, where participants are expected to run for 100 days at a rate of 100Km per week (62 miles) for a total of 1500 Kms (932 miles). This is considered the Galaxy's Hardest Marathon and only invited athletes with a resume of multi days marathon may participate. This is one of the most important sporting events in the Galaxy.

Language: Rezarian, Trade Common

Notable Rezar: Riptar Cordillia Weird Girl Spines