Template:Infobox character

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Infobox character
Species Template:Unknown
Gender Template:Unknown

Template:Documentation The Infobox character is used to display an infobox in character articles.

Usage[edit source]

{{Infobox character
|name          = Name of the character.
|image         = An image of the character.
|image_description = An optional description of the included image.
|aka           = Alternative name(s) of the character.
|position      = The rank or position of the character.
|affiliation   = Any groups the character is affiliate with.
|relationships = Any relationships the character has with other characters.
|race          = What species is the character?
|gender        = Gender of the NPC; Male, Female or None.

For quick copy/paste[edit source]

{{Infobox character
|name = 
|image = 
|image_description =
|position = 
|affiliation = 
|relationships = 
|species = 
|gender = 