Timber Acer
Timber Acer, also known as "Little Duckling" by her family or "Ducky" by Kit, is a Lochirine hybrid created by Grethion geneticists for a Grethion Councillor along with her sister Kit Acer.
Fortunately for the duo, the councilor died before they were finished and they were adopted by the Acer family on Qanus.
Timber has vivid orange hair and eyes and a somewhat lopsided smile. Unlike her sister Kit, she does not display any foxlike properties. It is unknown what the final product of her hybrid process was meant to be. For all intents and purposes, she seems like a colored Lochirine. She often wears torn up jeans and a leather jacket.
Timber has a very dominant personality and tough exterior, she also presents leadership qualities that turned her into the "big sister" of the Acer family, despite being the youngest, along with Kit.
All of her sisters look up to her, and will follow her lead when prompted.
She is an accomplished athlete, being a professional Boxer and Judoka, as well as often participating in other physical events such as the Woodland Games and even swimming.
Timber is also an avid biker, though not part of any biking group, and often rides around the continent for weeks at a time between competitions. She also enjoys cooking and karaoke greatly.